
Pyatigorsk is a pearl of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, striking with its unique beauty. This is a place that enchants at first sight and stays in the heart forever. The capital is often called the most elegant city of KavMinVod, as well as a source of inspiration for M. Y. Lermontov. In this article you will find out which sights are worth visiting in Pyatigorsk and where you definitely need to look.

1. Flower Garden Park

The Flower Garden Park in Pyatigorsk was founded in 1828 on the site of a swampy wasteland near the Nikolaevsky spring. The project was designed by architects Giuseppe and Giovanni Bernardazzi. The Nikolaevsky Flower Garden was planted with trees, shrubs and flowers, turning the swamp into a picturesque garden. Over time, drinking pump rooms, a fountain, an orchestra and a cafe appeared in the park. The ancient Gukasov coffee shop still greets visitors at the entrance to the park. Nearby there is a bronze statue of Kisa Vorobyaninov, installed by Ostap Bender, which continues to attract the attention of passers-by.

2. Lenin Square

This is the central place of Pyatigorsk. City events take place here, and in winter a skating rink is filled in front of the administration building. One of the most notable buildings on the square is the 17-storey Intourist Hotel. Next to the square there is a cozy park where you can hide from the heat and relax on a bench. It is pleasant to walk here: cleanliness, neat lawns and lots of flowers create an atmosphere of comfort. There are monuments to Lenin, poet Kosta Khetagurov and General Alexei Ermolov in the park, as well as a memorial complex dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. The central composition of the complex is the "Bowl of Tears", a rectangular tank filled with water symbolizing the tears and sorrow of mothers. On holidays, the edges of the bowl are decorated with carnations.

3. Academic Gallery

Another outstanding architectural monument of Pyatigorsk. The building was built in the middle of the XIX century, when there were only three stone buildings in the city. Initially, the gallery was called Elizabethan and was built next to the mineral spring of the same name, discovered several decades earlier. The source became famous thanks to M. Y. Lermontov's novel "The Hero of Our Time", where the author mentioned him several times. There were baths for procedures in one wing of the gallery, and a recreation room in the other. At the end of the XIX century, when the Elizabethan spring suddenly dried up, the building began to be used as a hospital, and then a factory for the production of artificial ice was placed in it. After the revolution, the gallery was renamed the Academic Gallery in honor of the anniversary of the Academy of Sciences. Today, this elegant building made of light stone in the Renaissance style is a cultural heritage site and a popular destination for tourists. A cascading staircase leads to the gallery from the Flower Garden Park, and magnificent views of the surrounding area open from the platform in front of the facade.

4. Elbrus

To get to the foot of Elbrus from Pyatigorsk, it is necessary to overcome 148 km. The route passes through the picturesque corners of the Caucasus, surrounded by coniferous forests and alpine meadows. By car, you can climb to a height of 2,400 meters, and then you will be lifted by a cable car, taking you to a height of 3,900 meters. From this point, there is a magnificent view of the glaciers of the peak, which melt in summer, exposing ancient craters from which lava erupted 2500 years ago. In addition to the foot of Elbrus, the program includes a visit to the picturesque Cheget. An open chairlift lifts tourists over the abyss, revealing breathtaking views of the expanses of the Elbrus region. Cheget Glade is the center of local life, where cafes, restaurants, hotels and souvenir shops are located.

5. Gazebo "Aeolian Harp"

The stone rotunda with a hipped roof and eight columns has long been one of the main attractions of Pyatigorsk. Built in the 1830s on a high cliff, it is visible from many corners of the city. It was originally planned to decorate the center of the rotunda with a statue of Aeolus, the lord of the winds, but this idea was never realized. Instead, an aerial harp, an aeoliphon, was installed in the gazebo. Under the influence of the wind, the strings of the eoliphon vibrated, making sad monotonous sounds that echoed over the city. The Aeolian harp was played during the holiday season, and in winter it was put away for storage. This tradition continues today, although now its electronic counterpart sounds instead of a mechanical harp.

6. Singing Fountain

The first fountains appeared in Pyatigorsk at the end of the XIX century and initially served practical purposes: water from them was used for household needs and fire extinguishing. Today, fountains are created exclusively to decorate the city, giving it beauty and delighting residents and guests. The "singing and dancing" fountain in Pyatigorsk is located on the central square of the city in front of the administration building. Each two-hour light and music show runs according to a set schedule: 15 minutes of music is played, during which three pieces of music are performed, followed by 15 minutes of silence, and so on in a circle. The water jets are synchronized with the musical rhythms, creating an impressive dance. The fountain attracts many spectators, charming them with its spectacle. If you find yourself in Pyatigorsk, be sure to set aside an evening to see this splendor.

7. Operetta Theater

The only musical theater in the Stavropol Territory, where classical operettas such as "The Bat", "The Gypsy Baron", "Bayadera", "Silva", as well as children's fairy tales are staged. Some performances take place in an unusual format, for example, "Pinocchio" is played on the square in front of the main entrance. The theater also organizes musical lounges and guided tours, which tell about the history of the theater and the work of artists. The ticket office is open daily from 10:00 to 19:00 without a break. Tickets can be purchased on the theater's website.

8. Mount Mashuk

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